Is Your Dog A Laundry Potato?
"..if I had money, tell you what I'd do, I'd go downtown and buy a Mercury or two..."
Oh, sure, you might think this is cute, the picture of scenic innocence, a bundle of puppyish love finding a niche solely for the purpose of rending your heartstrings, but one must consider the less obvious! Your dog may be a laundry potato! Let your canine continue this passive aggressive behaviour and soon, they will be eating potato chips and swilling beer there, getting grease, crumbs, and spilled booze over all your favourite boy short underwear and “extreme cleavage” bras. This simply will not do!

Consider the "implications". This dog will be 70 pounds someday, and unless I bulk up a lot more, I will not be able to move her. Here she is during a typical “laundry sorting session”. Notice how she cleverly lays across the maximum square yardage, so as to make this task virtually impossible!
Wait a minute, where is my head? If I can’t move the dog, I can’t do the laundry. Someone else will have to do it !
Please disregard the above.

Oh, sure, you might think this is cute, the picture of scenic innocence, a bundle of puppyish love finding a niche solely for the purpose of rending your heartstrings, but one must consider the less obvious! Your dog may be a laundry potato! Let your canine continue this passive aggressive behaviour and soon, they will be eating potato chips and swilling beer there, getting grease, crumbs, and spilled booze over all your favourite boy short underwear and “extreme cleavage” bras. This simply will not do!

Consider the "implications". This dog will be 70 pounds someday, and unless I bulk up a lot more, I will not be able to move her. Here she is during a typical “laundry sorting session”. Notice how she cleverly lays across the maximum square yardage, so as to make this task virtually impossible!
Wait a minute, where is my head? If I can’t move the dog, I can’t do the laundry. Someone else will have to do it !
Please disregard the above.